Anti-India Bill in Nepalese Parl: R&AW's 2nd failure in 6 mths - Daily Pioneer -defupdateindia

nThe introduction of the anti-India Bill in Nepalese Parliament is the second such instance in the last six months when the external Intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW)was caught off guard.

In January, six anti-CAA resolutions were introduced in EU Parliament but the discussions were deferred only after reactive diplomacy set in motion by New Delhi to wriggle out of the embarrassment when the mandate and role of RAW was to work in a preemptive manner and gather inputs on such developments in timely manner for course correction.

While the move to bring in a Constitution amendment Bill to include Indian territories Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh  was afoot in Kathmandu, the Indian agencies could not get to know about the developments there and the undercurrents that are set to impact the ties between the two countries.

The slip was more so conspicuous when a foreign government and its agencies were on overdrive to push the amendments in the Nepalese map through their links with the political parties and the leaders in Kathmandu.

Sources said a slew of top officials had to rush to Kathmandu to delay the introduction of the Bill in Nepal Parliament but no political party there could afford to distance from the nationalistic move. The Bill was tabled in Nepal Parliament on Sunday to endorse the amended map.

Apart from the changes in the map, Nepal has also decided to man the border with India by its army which will open the door for training to the armed forces there for border guarding by third country which can exploit the situation to monitor the frontier with India.

India should propose deployment of Indian training team in border guarding to avoid landing of such teams from a third country. India is already training Bhutanese border guarding forces.

The EU move against the amendments in the citizenship law that went unnoticed by RAW is more serious as about 600 lawmakers out of 751 members in the European Parliament had moved six resolutions against CAA. Not only this, even the diplomatic corps was seen wanting in the absence of any advance assessment of such an impending move.

Every Indian embassy or high commission abroad has a political desk that is mandated to assess political situations and report to the ministries of home as well as external affairs. Those manning the political desks are supposed to cultivate relations with the politicians of the host countries.

(This story has not been edited by defupdateindia staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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Vijay Kumar

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